Free Class!! Myofascial Release April 23rd

This 60-minute class utilizes therapeutic balls to work the fascia (connective tissue) of the body. Think of it as flossing for your muscles.

Fascia is a spider-web like tissue that covers and runs in between muscle fibers, organs, nerves, ligaments, and blood vessels. Over time, and with contributing factors such as repetitive actions, sedentary lifestyle, injuries, chronic illness, and stress fascia can become restricted and dehydrated. Using therapy balls, blocks, and functional movement to release adhesions, trigger points and scar tissue, hydrate tissues, improve lymph drainage, increase blood circulation to tissues and alleviate discomfort.

Over time and with consistency, this work can also correct postural patterns and habits. Leave feeling lighter and more balanced in your body, as if you just had a deep tissue massage!

This class is primarily floor-based and is suitable for any level or body type. Beginner to experienced, if you have a body, this class is for you!